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Switch to Forum Live View What kind of Maps do you play?
13 years ago  ::  Jun 22, 2007 - 9:55AM #1
Posts: 233
Just wondering if you like to play both the small and large maps or do you primarily play one size or the other? 

I am hoping that maybe in the future Capcom will offer map packs based on size.  Maybe two or three small maps in one pack and two large maps in another pack.

Me, I hate the big maps.  Out of all three map packs I have only played the larger maps once.  To me it's a waste of money.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 22, 2007 - 10:05AM #2
Posts: 1

I created a login just to respond to this post.  I completely agree with Jim. 

I'm totally disappointed in the new map pack.  The one smaller map give you a headache if you play it more than twice in a row.

Come on Capcom throw us small map players a bone here.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 22, 2007 - 10:14AM #3
Posts: 32
I agree with both of you. Give us small map players some small maps. I love close combat fighting.
I hate to run the entire time on a large map just to encounter a few people and than die and do the same thing over again. Waste of my time because sniping to me is very boring. I have a hard time staying in one spot shooting fish in a barrel.
So yes give people the choice of what they can buy. Big map pack or small map pack. That would be great.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 22, 2007 - 4:48PM #4
Ian Darkly
Posts: 84

Inline6 wrote:

I agree with both of you. Give us small map players some small maps. I love close combat fighting.
I hate to run the entire time on a large map just to encounter a few people and than die and do the same thing over again. Waste of my time because sniping to me is very boring. I have a hard time staying in one spot shooting fish in a barrel.
So yes give people the choice of what they can buy. Big map pack or small map pack. That would be great.



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13 years ago  ::  Jun 22, 2007 - 4:58PM #5
Posts: 233

Ian Darkly wrote:



Let me guess, :rolleyes: you like to snipe?

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13 years ago  ::  Jun 25, 2007 - 12:55AM #6
Posts: 31
Maybe you don't like sniping but someone on your team does?  Let them snipe and cover you while you run in to find the fish in the barrel that may be hiding.  The big maps are a good opportunity for team tactics where the small maps tend to be "crazy" and while you may have a team most people just spawn and go for something.  granted, teams that work together on any map are much more likely to win. 

If you like small battles then make the enemy fight in small areas, even if it is a big map.  If you're playing post grab you can be assured that eventually the other team is going to come for every post.  Guard that.  If there is a big mech parking lot (like in ruins) then guard the mech parking lot. wait for people to get in and make sure they don't get out.  I think of the large maps as a collection of small maps all stuck together.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 25, 2007 - 11:29PM #7
Posts: 95
I play all of the maps, but I usually try to play smaller ones like Pirate Fortress or Dilapidation not just because I'm better at them than I am with say, Frozen Wasteland, but because killing happens more often and even in team matches, you can rely on yourself to win.

As shoot-em-up as Lost Planet is, its multiplayer can be played with great strategy. Unfortunately, this untapped part of the game has been shot down 95% of the time because even though most people have headsets, they just don't cooperate. Only a few times in the around 500 (over 1000 by now if that connection problem never happened... ahem!) matches I've played have I actually experienced real stategizing between three or more people.

Organized teamwork seems to be crucial in larger maps, especially since they often have emphasis on VSes or sniper rifles, and I play them less often because not only do I really hate getting nailed by a ridiculously agile Hardballer, but because I know that the whole world (including me too at times) isn't going to be hardcore enough to care about every possible tactic.

Another downside is that because some maps are very large, it takes so much time and effort to be able to memorize weapon locations, spawn points, data posts, and the different tactical possibilities. I know Snow Infernus (aka The Nubbin) has the motivation to remember where everything is on the 27 billion-mile-long Canyon 810 (at least when on foot), but do the other thousands and thousands of people who play the multiplayer too? No.

Anyway, to stop this rambling, the thing that really makes large maps unappealing to me though is that they all have six layouts. It may be weird to say this, but I think there is too much variety. Six layouts to remember on Pirate Fortress is bad enough, but when there are six layouts on a huge-arse map like Ruins, I just can't take the time to know the level, and therefore I don't really want to play it all that often.  Personally I'd prefer a "standard layout," and then a bonus "alternate" one.

Ok, I'm seriously done now. :p
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 26, 2007 - 10:57AM #8
Posts: 4,873
The maps are like my childrens... I loves them all! :)
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 26, 2007 - 2:15PM #9
Posts: 563
yeah but I'd like to beat that red headed step child (pirate fortress) with a stick:D
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 26, 2007 - 2:21PM #10
Posts: 233
Canyon 810, Island 902, Hive, Wasteland and the Ruins all need a beating and put on a diet cause they are just too stinkin big...

Like the man said....

Run, Run, Run, Run, Die~ :confused:
~~ Run, Run, Run, Run, Die~ :eek:
~~~~ Run, Run, Run, Run, Die~ :(
~~~~~~ Run, Run, Run, Run, Die~ :mad:
~~~~~~~~ Run, Run, Run, Run, Die~ cuss!
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