i was just curious as to how many people have been hearing about new maps comming out April 9th ?? In the last 10-12 matches, with EVERYONE being different in them, i keep hearing about new maps coming out so soon ! Is there any truth to this ? definately would be very cool to see some new maps again !! though, like all rumors, i dont want to get my hopes up too soon !
anybody have any ideas or hear anything ?
I haven't heard anything about it but if it's true they better be free because $5 for 2 maps. No... just no.
I want a cave map and new characters!
I am hoping for a cave map as well. Something like the hive from campaign but designed for multiplayer with lots of secret tunnels;)
i like tunnels as i am the tunnel rat from our clan
Rumors are rumors, nothing is official until it is announced. Hopefully they come out with stuff in april. This game needs some serious updates if they wanna keep up with the other games, vegas, gow, graw2. But im still sticking with lost planet :) but the glitches need to be fixed and lag
Rumors are rumors, nothing is official until it is announced. Hopefully they come out with stuff in april. This game needs some serious updates if they wanna keep up with the other games, vegas, gow, graw2. But im still sticking with lost planet :) but the glitches need to be fixed and lag There are definitely plans for additional downloadable Lost Planet content to be made available in the immediate future.
Sorry to be vague, but it's good. Get hype.
xo, Seth
Ask me about my beard. Or don't. It's cool either way.
*looks at april 12th on calendar...* but its so far away... :( haha
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
There are definitely plans for additional downloadable Lost Planet content to be made available in the immediate future.
Sorry to be vague, but it's good. Get hype.
xo, Seth "Immediate future" ehhhhhh?????...:D
"Definitely" ehhhhhhhhhhhh???????
... Im Canadian ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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