with yours truly... http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/toppers/?id=15381There is some new information in there if you look closely...
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
Is this what you mean regarding new information?:
"They don't yet fully grasp the long term commitment Capcom has to Lost Planet's community with some of the new features we're rolling out both in-game and on the web, but they will over the coming months"
Is this just referring to new maps and the data post section beta on thw web? or is there more? Either way, I really appreciate the post-launch support this game is receiving! Thank you.
That's part of it...
The other is the fact that Lost Planet has already outsold Dead Rising in the US.
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
My hats off to you guys, Sven. Great article, now how bout them new maps:D .
BTW any chance we could get another tournment organized like the one at launch? ou guys had a great setup. I would love to have a chance to do tha again.
We will absolutely be having more real world tournaments... so keep practicing.
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+