What is your favorite weapon, vs weapon, and favorite grenade? Personally, I like the Shotgun, the VS Rocket Launcher, and the Dummy Grenades. Post your favorites below.
Favorite normal weapon is the Energy Gun. I love how you can roll around and charge it at the same time. It's also useful for knocking pilots out of their Vital Suits.
Favorite VS weapon is the VS Rocket Launcher. I'd think that it's much more powerful than the normal rocket launcher seeing as how it's bigger. I mainly use that on other Vital Suits though. I think for just running around though I'd say the VS Shotgun for snow pirates.
Favorite grenade is the Dummy Grenade for sure. It's the only grenade that explodes on contact with a snow pirate or VS. The only thing I hate about them though is that some people are stupid and run into them and I get a betrayed message.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
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PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I'd say my favorite handheld weapon is the Plasma Gun. It snipes well, it hurts VS's, and having it be tied to your T-ENG means a level-headed player can keep shooting for longer than the 25 shots a rifle provides.
My favorite VS weapon is the Laser Rifle- it really conveys the absurd power that a weapon of that size should display. I like it for the same reasons I like the Plasma Gun, but the T-ENG requirements are much higher.
Dummy Grenades are my favorite type of grenade, mostly because they detonate on contact- the closest thing the game has to a proximity mine (unless those are in the full retail game).
Btw, will there be any more weapon in the game ?
Disk Grenades combined with the VS Shotgun :D
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PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
shoulder mounted rocket luancher for weapon. and disk gernade......love those things:cool:
The VS shotgun, mounted or unmounted. Perfect for close-combat, getting off spectacular hipshots from the air, and skeet shooting GTF-11s out of the air.
My favorite weapon is the Plasma Gun. My favorite VS weapon is the Grenade Launcher (a well placed shot or two is enough to put down 9 out of 10 enemy VS) and I have to go with the Gum Grenade as my favorite grenade.
From hand sized weapons I would say my favorite is the Rifle From Mechs its definately the Multi-Grenade shot launcher, the raining grenades is just SO cool! From grenades its the disc grenades
Normal weapon-sniper and shotgun VS weapon-homing laser gernade-depending on level normal gernade(snow covered level) or disk