The new maps are supposed to come out in a couple of days, my question is, is capcom going to release these with the problems that are going on for a minority of the people who play? and will they offer a discount ? or are they just going to be delayed indefinately until this patch business can be fixxed
If they haven't announced any delays then I don't see any reason there'd be one at the last second. Just becuase a handful of people can't play online at the moment doesn't mean things should be slowed down for everyone else.
No maps so far. I checked before work this morning. I'm not being impatient, but many times if content doesn't go up early in the morning, it doesn't go up that day.
Anyone heard anything?
The release date is Friday March 9th. dont expect them an earlier than that. if you check early in the morning, tomorow would be the time, not this morning.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i check everyday too. but 9th March suits me, it's my birthday. hooray me! :rolleyes:
Oops, My bad there - I actually thought today was the 9th. I'll check a calendar next time before posting.
haha atleast people are excited ! capcom was smart to release it for $5 ..... a ton of people are going to buy it ... regardless of the problems or not i think ... though, hopefully we'll see some free ones other then battlefield, which we also payed for if you got the CE !
minority of people with problems? lol