While I love almost all the maps now, even the ones i didn't used to care for much, i still think there is room for improvement. For example i would like to see a few maps offer a few more balanced layouts. Not all the layouts mind you, but maybe 2 of the layouts for a few of the maps could be changed. Example:
Pirate Fortress: The bottom is notorius for being hard to win on, in datapost grab alone you have more than an uphill battle, why not give the missile mech to the bottom along with a energy gun, at least on one layout.
Dark Town: I am really starting to love this map. The bottom is still a bit of a pain to start out in but it makes it that much better, the only problem is why not give some sort of decent weapon to the guys underground? I'd give em both energy guns to combat the VS's and sniper/plasma guns that are easily within reach for the higher ground team.
Training facility: it would be nice if the VS's changed their spawn location up a bit, right now from what I've observed they only spawn at one point and often time it's within 10 feet of a teams spawn location, then the same team also has both energy guns with in reach from the start, it doesn't mean you can't win but it begins to be a real pain to fight 2 energy guns, a plasma and 2 VS in such a small area only to have the VS's respawn in front of the enemy time and time again. I figure the energy guns should be in the stack of boxes out of reach from the VS's at the very least
Again I'm not saying to change all the layouts just one or two on each of these maps. I know many people like to play the underdog, it can be good tactical training but sometimes you just want a good even game without having to fight the same situation again and again.