there is gonna be a lot of good stuff... i can't wait to play it..:D
Ive read somewhere that the game will have non ice stages too.
If you click through the website enough to fill up the T-Eng gauge, you unlock a secret download. It looks like there will be at least one non-ice stage in the game!
There's tons of things we haven't shown publicly yet.
You'll note that MOST of the stuff shown comes from only one or two levels of the game (some bosses excepted from the trailers).
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
I cant wait to play the full version.!
This might be as a spoiler, so you take the chance.
http://www.lostplanet-thegame.com/downl … 0x1024.jpg Yeah. Saw that level in the latest trailer. Would be a cool visual change every now and then but I still love the snow. I'd love it if you could shoot someone into the lava and they become charred skeletons and then ash or something. This isn't Mortal Kombat, however. :D
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
If you click through the website enough to fill up the T-Eng gauge, you unlock a secret download. It looks like there will be at least one non-ice stage in the game! Is this a rumor, because I really want to play the new stage, but I don't live in america and I don't know where to pre-order the game in Japan.:eek:
As we all know by now, it's a multiplayer map. I had the bad luck of getting into a VS on Crimson river. Fully charged energy gun shot, I got kicked out of the VS right into the lava.
As we all know by now, it's a multiplayer map. I had the bad luck of getting into a VS on Crimson river. Fully charged energy gun shot, I got kicked out of the VS right into the lava. The MP map was based on an area within the game, and it looks very similar.