Ok, hey, this my first post here and the following two weapons really need to be fixed.
Rocket Launcher
The infantry version has one great big gaping bug/design flaw that in no way is supposed to be a game mechanic: Jump-shooting. When you do not jump, to fire this weapon your character stands still, takes a second to aim and then fires. But in a jump everything is instantaneous, on the move.
THIS has to go! It defies logic that you could be able to fire ANY weapon during a jump. ESPECIALLY one you have to stand still to fire. The rocket launcher is currently nothing short of a buggy weapon that needs to be fixed. This bug causes serious balance issues compared to other infantry weapons.
Flame Thrower
This weapon is supposed to be a devastating close-range weapon, but it fails. Miserably. Even for a close range weapon, the range for this thing is simply ridiculously short. Also the "devastating" part is nowhere to be found since every enemy I light up, keeps on walking.
This weapon lacks one thing that all flame throwers should have: stickiness. The flames should "stick" to the target(ed area) and deal additional damage over time. The range should see a small increase and the damage needs an upgrade. This is a weapon that should be feared. Seeing a weapon like this should make even the most heavily armed opponent go "F*ck this sh*t!", turn tail and run. But all it is now is a weapon with uncomfortably blocky firing graphics and an extremely questionable point in the game.
General weapons.
I have already stated above that i dislike the "faulty game mechanic" where you are able to fire during a jump or a roll. Simple as that. No player should be able to fire their weapons during a jump or a roll.
Thank you.