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Switch to Forum Live View Rocket culture in LPC.
6 years ago  ::  Apr 09, 2014 - 8:34PM #1
Posts: 137

So, it's a rarity to find any match type that isn't countergrab with rockets.  Why do you think this match type became so well-accepted?

A few thoughts:

-Rocket advocates probably think that it's too easy to be routed and blocked off by VSes unless everyone spawns with a launcher.  The truth is they seem to have forgotten how useful grenades are, and how they can be quickly detonated with a machinegun or shotgun to route VSes.  Do I even need to mention the havok that energy-based weapons wreak on them?

-Other explosive ordinance (VS rifles, VS shotguns, rocket launchers, energy guns, etc) are laying around EVERYWHERE, often in places inaccessible to VSes.  I guess the LPC veterans are so ADD that they can't even take a moment to go pick up the right tool for the job.

-1-on-1 rocket skirmishes are so well understood now that they are irrevocably tedious to anyone who isn't blind.  The only thing it does is test a man's patience.  Most engagements consist of absorbing each other's rocket blasts until one of us gets impatient enough to make a mistake, or until we both run out of our 10 shells.  Of course, my strategy, which pisses a lot of people off, is to never engage without a second weapon.  Rocket carriers are more vulnerable than people think to nearly every other weapon, but my personal favorite is the magnum.  It's a fantastic counter to the rocket-launcher.

-Lastly, do you think it's fun when countergrab usually consists of at least one player doing nothing but watching the datapost so that he can get a free kill?

Shotgun and machinegun needs to make a comeback for all match types.  It leads to far more interesting engagements in the end.  It requires more thoughtfulness than rockets, since you can't just snipe the post from a distance (unless you go and pick up the one or two launchers that are laying around the map; it makes a HUGE difference when not everyone can do it by default).  It feels less random, too.  In most cases, you never really have the slightest idea when you'll die in a large scale rocket battle.  It's beyond your control; there is almost no way to form an interesting strategy other than to camp certain areas of the map.

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 10, 2014 - 12:21PM #2
Posts: 4,549

Pure Rocket Matches never took much skill, thats why I only ran Machine Guns, Shotguns or Rifles.

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 11, 2014 - 1:23AM #3
Posts: 137

It's cool to hear you say that, but I have the impression 90% of the players on LPC now would disagree.  It's like, according to them, absorbing each other's rockets is the highest form of play within the game.  It's the reason Lost Planet was created.  ::rolleyes::

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 11, 2014 - 12:06PM #4
Posts: 4,549

Then damn I have been playing Lost Planet the wrong way for the past 7 Years. I do agree I have seen a raise in Rocket Matches, but I still roll joining Machine Gun or Shotgun Matches. Since honestly there is nothing better.

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 12, 2014 - 3:58AM #5
Posts: 137

I'd like to know what system you're on, homie, cuz I just had another night on XBLive where it was rockets or bust.  A choice between a 12p countergrab or nothing at all.  :(

I ragequit the second match and gave up for the night.  The **** even gives me a headache now -- the incessant sound of them whizzing by in the air, and followed by the explosions.  It never stops and contributes even more to the randomness, since you can barely hear anything (footsteps, etc).

Are you playing EC instead?

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 12, 2014 - 7:08AM #6
Posts: 137

Anyway, I think it is, in part, a collective-unconscious decision made by the masses to try their best to shut everything down and reduce the game to a single core component.

Well, I don't know; if that was truly the case, maybe plasma rifle matches would be more popular.  Like rockets, they also inflict considerable damage on VSes and kill people quickly from any range.

I guess the only thing we can say for certain at the moment is they just really love to mash that Lstick+A and buffer those explosions, and they really love to bunny-hop.  It has its novelty, but it's getting very old.

I imagine the typical player also loves getting free kills by catching someone with their pants down who is trying to raise a datapost.  When they spot him trying to do that, they can snipe him from anywhere on the map very easily.  All they have to do is aim at the post.

Overall, it usually just boils down to one "Gotcha!" moment after another.  A total cheesefest.  Too bad there's nothing I can do about it.

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6 years ago  ::  Apr 12, 2014 - 3:26PM #7
Posts: 757

I agree with both of you. Few years ago shotgun was the most popular weapon on LPC. But times have changed and now rockets rule. There can be many reasons why people pick this weapon as initial. My best weapon is random but when i create such matches - only my friends join... For some reason people love rockets and like Laboris wrote recently it`s like : rockets or bust.

There are some very popular hosts, who`s rooms are always filling up very quick, and they all set rockets. No idea how to change this habit...


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