As I've seen in the threads Lost Planet has PC version. I got a few questions.
What is the game about? Story meaning. What's the gameplay? Is it like Mass Effect? Is it an MMO?
As I've seen in the threads Lost Planet has PC version. I got a few questions.
What is the game about? Story meaning. What's the gameplay? Is it like Mass Effect? Is it an MMO?
1. The story takes place back on E.D.N. III 10 years after the events of the first game. The snow has melted to reveal deserts; and jungles have taken the place of more frozen regions. 2.Its a TPS, and you mainly focus on hordes of either Akrid (Monsters home to EDN III) or Faction Members 3. Yes, in a way, but the art style and objectives are much different 4. I wouldn't say massive, but yeah, there's 4 Player campaign + 4 AI's, and 16 player Multiplayer EDIT: Whoops, that's LP2 1. After the Earth's conditions become too hostile for humans due to war, global warming and pollution, a fictional interstellar megacorporation named Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) plans to colonize E.D.N. III, a new Earth-like planet in grip of a brutal ice age. NEVEC discover that E.D.N. III is inhabited by an aggressive and territorial insectoid alien species named the Akrid, which come in all shapes and sizes and generate their own precious thermal energy. 150 years after a great war was fought in which the humans lost to the Akrid, the plot of the game revolves around Wayne Holden, a "snow pirate" who attempts to overthrow the ruthless NEVEC, who still vie for control over E.D.N. III, and help colonization efforts for the remainder of the human race by destroying the Akrid, all the while attempting to survive both betrayals and the extreme conditions of the planet. -Wikipidea 2. TPS, at first you'll fight Akrid, then humans, and then VS's, all by yourself 3. There both TPS's, thats the only realtion between them 4. Multiplayer is really active still
4. Multiplayer is really active still
It is? If that's actually they case I might give it at try. I was told the contrary on numerous occasions... Tell me more, please.
4. Multiplayer is really active still
It is? If that's actually they case I might give it at try. I was told the contrary on numerous occasions... Tell me more, please.
Thats Lost Planet 2, which is barely thriving. From the last time I played (Lost Planet), there was 15 matches going on simalaneously
Thats Lost Planet 2, which is barely thriving. From the last time I played (Lost Planet), there was 15 matches going on simalaneously
Thanks. Yes, Lost Planet 2 of courese. PC version?
Thats Lost Planet 2, which is barely thriving. From the last time I played (Lost Planet), there was 15 matches going on simalaneously
Thanks. Yes, Lost Planet 2 of courese. PC version?
No the Xbox version I heard the PC version is alive
No the Xbox version
I heard the PC version is alive
OK. OP asked about the PC version. And 8 months ago I heard nobody were playing. I guess I'll have to check to find out. 
No the Xbox version
I heard the PC version is alive
OP asked about the PC version. And 8 months ago I heard nobody were playing.
I guess I'll have to check to find out.
Lost Planet PC version? Dunno... I was talking about Xbox 360 version XD
I tried going onto the LP PC multiplayer several months ago. Yeah, that place is a ghost town now.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
I tried going onto the LP PC multiplayer several months ago. Yeah, that place is a ghost town now.
PS3 is definitley alive, mostly because of the Japanese. Xbox 360 is not that close in-terms of PPD (Player per Day). But things look like they're growing a bit b/c of summer vacation