Lost Planet 2 was a strange game for me.
I loved the Akrid, I really like the idea of giant arthropods. I loved the fact that combat was both against human enemies, and the Akrid. I love the inclusion of VS's. I didn't like the kind of wardrobe the characters have, but it kind of grew on me... though I still hate some. I love that there was 4 player co-op as well as a competitive multiplayer mode.
I hated some things about the game though. The AI for the human enemy was terrible. The story wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good. The multiplayer was a complete mess; overpowered weapons blasting massive 1-hit kill blasts, weapon stunning makes retaliation sometimes impossible, and the unlock system was full of so much useless filler that you hardly ever felt rewarded. These things kept me from being able to get into it.
I also have some suggestions on the kind of directions I want Lost Planet 3 to take. I think it is probably arrogant to expect this post to have any effect, but I felt that if I didn't say anything, then I shouldn't complain at all if I'm not happy with the next game.
-Over the shoulder aiming. The aiming system of Lost Planet 2 is pretty bad, and sometimes the head or body ends up obstructing the view.
-Stick with the arthropod (insect/crustacean/spider-like) Akrid. Something reptilian
-Better story, something that isn't cliché and predictable. Add some moral ambiguity, you can't really be the good guy if you're coming in to exterminate a native population of a planet.
-No stunning from damage in multiplayer. It gives too much of an advantage to those who attack first. Same with knockback damage in multiplayer.
-Balance the weapons: No 1 hit kill weapons, too much of an unfair advantage.
-Slot machine unlock system should have way less filler, get rid of the emotes and nom de guerres.
-Expand character customization options for multiplayer.
-Add a multiplayer mode where one side can play as the akrid. Akrid could have high speed and strong melee damage while the soldiers have guns.
-Add better AI.
-Keep variety. I like seeing lots of different factions, environments, weapons, and mechs. Not sure how variety of factions and environments can be done since is a prequel before the planet warmed, and before snow pirates and other factions, but if it can be done, please do so.
-No goofy bouncing drops, it just breaks the sense of immersion (for me at least). It would also be nice is thermal energy just flowed to you like orbs in Devil May Cry, it just seems unnecessarily tedious to have to go and pick them up.
-Separate 2(or more) player spitscreen co-op mode.
-Separate 4 player online co-op modes.
-Keep multiplayer data posts as spawn points to capture as well as points conquest points.
-Longer multiplayer battles would be more fun.
-Keep the grappling hooks in multiplayer, it’s one of the more unique multiplayer features.
-An OPTION to switch to standard shooter controls would greatly be appreciated.
-A setting in multiplayer without any vehicles.
-Add a story-based competitive multiplayer mode with cutscenes. This would be cool.
-The menu visual style of Lost Planet 2 was really cool, I liked it a lot.