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10 years ago  ::  Aug 04, 2010 - 1:27AM #1
Posts: 4

i have some neat weapons ideas that would be neat to see in order from category and a few ability ideas


gunsword II: a black and red gunsword with twice the ammo capacity and same damage, blade does same damage as regular gunsword but slower swing-threw 

flamethrower II: a black and blue flamethower that fires static with a medium chance of stun, but low damage

plasma gun SPII: a dark green and orange plasma gun words like rifle II with a multi-shot of energy but with weak accuracy when not aimed

plasma cannon II: a sand color and orange plasma cannon that fires a beam of energy like the overland ship, but drains T-eng like a flamethrower

v device II: a white and blue v device that works like a regen grenade field, but smaller than the average v device field


Ammo Regen I: any currently equiped ammo-based weapon regenerates 2 bullets per second

Ammo Regen II: any currently equiped ammo-based weapon regenerates 5 bullets per second

Deflect I: gain a 25% chance to deflect any damage taken by a enemy to them

Deflect II: gaint a 50% chance to deflect any damage taken by a enemy to them

Well hidden soldier: manage to be invisible to akrid and VSs

and maybe some head starts with the weapons like head start (short range weapon) and stuff like that for more custimization or the option to select your starting primary and secondary weapon.

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