Since everyone want to establish clans, and join clans, but dislike other clan domains, how about all of us together compromise on suggesting an official clan site established by Capcom, in the suggestion box.
I've made a couple of suggestions, but apparently alot of you guys here under the Lost Planet Clan Central forums, aren't really taking advantage of it. It would be really great if we had an Official site, where we could just visit one website, under one username, to create clans, or join them. Instead of going through a process that could take up the next day, on different sites, or going to sites, where there seems to be a problem signing in, or hackers taking over and going into accounts. I mean for one thing I have a gamebattles account fore instance, however for some reason I can't log in to it, although when ever I try making another account, it claims that I'm already a member. I've tried writting e-mails, upon e-mails to the representatives i'm suppose to send it to, but I never get a response. So I'm not lazy or anything, but it would be more simple to visit one website, that you can trust and count on.
Anyways think about it, not just for the Lost Planet franchise, but for many other Capcom titles. Such as Street Fighter 4, Bionic Commando, Resident Evil 5, and other multiplayer tiltles in the future. And not that it's necessary, but what if we could have online championship tournaments, and win free Capcom swagg like T-Shirts, or Ryu Headbands, etc, wouldn't that be great? I mean it doesn't have to be anything big, but just imagine how cool this could be.
We already have a new Lost Planet Community Hub, but now is the chance to take this oppurtunity, and take advantage of the suggestion box, and vote for an official clan domain by Capcom, or add a clan setup on the new hub. Imagine this official site can have a setup where we could, edit our own clan names and tags, perhaps there could be a way, to transfer clan tags to the games we could play, by an update. We could perhaps join forces with other clans, if help is needed(Hint; Kage No Seishin, and Death Squad). Clan ladders to see and challenge the best of the best.
If we can all settle an agreement, then we as the fanbase can make it happen, it's up to Capcom to listen, what we want out from the decision.
I love Capcom not only for the amazing games we have, but also for the fact that this Team really listen to the community.
Oh yeah Capcom and Lost Planet 4Ever.