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Switch to Forum Live View I do not like to do this but i have to: THE BALCK LIST PLAYERS
8 years ago  ::  Mar 17, 2012 - 3:02PM #51
Posts: 85

I remember when i was on a list like this think i was number 3 cheater on lost planet extreme condition


reason i was imortal in elimination rocket matches until everyone learned to roll out of a shoot,and i won weekly and monthly a few times when i played fugitive 1vs1 and retired as the world leader fugitive.

I never seen you (threadstarter) played anything else then akrid where you hosted it for low levels and turned your xbox off ev. time you was about to lose and complaing about noobs using the emi laser.

And the 99 kings are cheaters this is a well known fact but they dont cheat on their main accounts back in time where they all was members on a high ranked gamebattles clan.

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8 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2012 - 9:55AM #52
Posts: 757


Mar 17, 2012 -- 3:02PM, SoulCrusherDK wrote:

I remember when i was on a list like this think i was number 3 cheater on lost planet extreme condition


reason i was imortal in elimination rocket matches until everyone learned to roll out of a shoot,and i won weekly and monthly a few times when i played fugitive 1vs1 and retired as the world leader fugitive.

I never seen you (threadstarter) played anything else then akrid where you hosted it for low levels and turned your xbox off ev. time you was about to lose and complaing about noobs using the emi laser.

And the 99 kings are cheaters this is a well known fact but they dont cheat on their main accounts back in time where they all was members on a high ranked gamebattles clan.

@SoulCrasherDK - if you`ll find on this list anybody who shouldn`t be there - just point him. I will officially apologise. All these guys were checked by few LP players, before posting here.

If you are questioning sense of such lists, just go and check number of views. It speaks for itself.

Maiky-nisute used to host various types of matches. His lobby was always filling up very quick. I wonder if yours does the same ?

99KINGZ do cheat on their main profiles. Just go and check LP2 leadreboards. One of them, on his profile on STEAM is giving people instructions how to cheat. 2 others had 1000G and all weapons unlocked at launch day. Any more questions ?

I respect your position on fugitive leadreboard, but thanks to cheaters it means nothing... I used to care about leaderboards, but not anymore. It took me long time to get pretty high in one of awards rankings, then in 1 week some german player out of nowhere climbed to the top with ridiculous score. I met him few times in lobby and never could join his game. It started immediatelly. Once i finally did and there were 2 players only, i was number 3. Then he canaceled imediatelly i created next one i didn`t catch. It was 1 minute long. He did host it for 1 week, playing all day using 2 XBOXs, with his 2 profiles just to get over 1500 medals and get to the top. Same with Fugitive. Thanks to players of this list and some who didn`t get there - leaderboards mean nothing. 

One day  i asked one of them why he does it ? Its like wearing yellow T-Shirt with CHEATER subtitle. He answered that he does it get more views. To be famous. Don`t they know that if somebody will be caught cheating nobody`s gonne ever belive him anymore ? That`s how it works...


There are situations when its hard to judge a player. Then i ask people for help. Please check next post and  post your opinion. 

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8 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2012 - 10:27AM #53
Posts: 757

There is a problem with player NO IMAGINATI ON. I`m not sure if he`s lagging or cheating so i asked him first gently on PM to explain some situations, but it gave nothing. He replied with words i `wont quote here. Than i asked him again in other place - all i got were again offensive words from him and his mates.

He`s posting videos on youtube. You`ll find link to one of his videos below. Its the first i`ve found. Its almost impossible to kill him when playing with him. His rockest fly befor he`l jump. He`s endless rolling explosions going from one stun animation into another no matter what you do - not dying, he`s taking headshots on the end of the map , but in same moment needs 5 sec to aim correct at wall next to him.

For me situation is pretty clear, none of my friends plays with him anymore. Everybody find him as lagger or cheater. But his gameplay is different than most cheaters i`ve meet so far, Thats why i`m asking you for opinion. Please respond to situations i pointed and explain what you think it is. Why his gameplay is so different than the others. Why Lost Planet rules don`t  work with him ? Important clue. He used to be average player. Suddenly within 1 week transformed into unbeaten master.

In every clip you`ll find such situations. I didn`t want to waste more time to pointing it. I had it  every day online (much more than that). If you want - go ahead. 


1:11 - Dolphaholic - killed not even touched by rocket.

2:07 - tmax34 - killed not even touched by rocket

2:39 - he is in stun animation, there is second explosion right next to him, why he didn`t die ?

3:06 - he jumps thru his own explosion , like there was nothing, he should at least fall, more likelly get hurt or die

3:35 - grenade explosion right next to him - nothing happens, he should be dead

3:37-3:51 - if you check it in slow motion you`ll see right before the shot quick, surgical correction. Just like autoaim works.

3:58 - jump thru his own explosion like before. Nothing happens.

4:16 - experienced player miss him standing in front of him. or maybe he`s  lagging so bad that he was aiming in wrong place ?

4:20 - grenade is flying thru his character and sticks to the floor

4:33 - he is in stun animation, deadly rocket hit from CYKOSIS666 , why he didn`t die ? 



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8 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2012 - 10:34AM #54
Posts: 85


I never said 99 kings wasnt cheater now i do agree with you,but i do know that 2 of them never cheated when they had other names on the first lost planet and was member of a well known gamebattles xbox 360 clan on the first lost planet.

My rooms have never had prob. by filling up with a full room of players on colonies or on the first lost planet and i play(ed) alot of various game types on both.

And i just think that a thread about cheaters where you just heard one side of a player(s) side of case is wrong,this just remind me of a few elimination players and postgrab players who had cheaters names on their bio i was in a few of them,always challenged by them in a 1vs1 elimination and when hey couldnt win over me they stated me as a cheater,and the people who knows me knows that i am not a cheater,even my sisters kid badsmokey93 suffers by bad losers who stated him as a cheater.

And i never cared about the leaderboard i overtook a british guys place as world leader fugitive,took me over three years,and 6 months later i was kicked down the ladder,only thing i was proud of was when i runned around with the crown on my head in lost planet 2 as a top 15-17 in postgrab,,,The fugitive leader was the worse thing i ever done,had so many weird and stupid messages on my xbox,,,,all this high rank and places on leaderboard i had on lost planet was beacuse i love this game and still do.

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8 years ago  ::  Mar 30, 2012 - 12:07PM #55
Posts: 4,549
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8 years ago  ::  May 04, 2012 - 10:59AM #56
Posts: 757

If anybody has any doubts ( to be honest i had ) about player mentioned above (NO IMAGINATI ON) then maybe these 2 screenshots will help.


And few weeks later... 

These are weekly leaderboards. Best players , playing almost 24/7 can get little over 1 000 000 points per week. It`s impossible to get 17 200 000 points, or even 4 200 000 in fair play without cheating. You must have trainer or cheat engine installed to make it.

Points are not so important, but this is a proof. Clear proof that this player is cheating. 

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8 years ago  ::  May 08, 2012 - 6:09PM #57
Posts: 1

Godmod and ammo hack doesn't work! game keep crashing when i use it! BAD JOB capcom, game is not stable, not optimized for hacks! Would be nice if capcom released a patch to fix crashes caused by cheats. At least i can speedhack in online battles. 

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