Ever played akrid hunter? ever been an akrid? well if so you know that people trow all kind of stuff at you. if you dont know that you do know it now. But here is my advice. Dont hate people that trow disk or sticky granates at you.. No! just be a helpfull Akrid and return it to the sender. strangely they are not so happy about it since they wil get a self inflicted death... dear o dear poor humans. For humans who like to warm you (with a flame thrower) a little in these cold days. dont role over them! no just give them a hugg by pressing the LT and RT at the same time... Hmm but i guess they are a bit fragile those humans since they always die when i hugg them.. >.<
hahahahaha! XD thats a good one!
Hehe yeah it is. Also: Sometimes you see a human that seems to be left out of the pack. So he must be really lonely. To show he is not alone anymore just head straight for him and protect him from the rain or snow that might fall on its small human head. Strange enough some humans dont know what to do with it and self inflict as they trow random nades that bounce back. >.< Note If you see a single human hugging one of those energy pools while carrying a huge metal rod you better off not going there since they are to greedy and want to claim you.. no one wants to be claimed. we just share our love with humans that need it.
Did you ever got to be the Queen Mantis? Well than this next one you might like to. I call it Mother goose For some strange reason VS's like big buts and there isnt a bigger but out there than that of the queen Mantis! Now VS's hurt and are controlled by not so nice humans. So what to do? Its simple as soon you start walking press and hold your left control stick in the direction that you want to go. than while doing that jump. as you can see now your not really jumping but more like leaping forward. do this around the center of the map and soon you will feel like mother goose with multiple VS's on your tail. That will frustrate the little humans but you wont kill them.
haha yea. about the giant mantis, i was playing one on one with TyrapanialShadow in akrid hunter in Canyon 810. he was ther giant mantis and i was the human. he kept dashing past me in the way you said and doing the back slash. The red zone is huge but if you run TOWARDS it while it is doing it you will be safe, then you can free-fire at its rear end. He tried a different approach after i killed him single handedly with a michine gun :D. next he ran towards me and just regularly slashed at me, the are of that is waaay bigger so i had to run either towards it or away depending on the range between me and him. i killed again(the battle gague was nearly full) so then he dashed over me and did the hold stomp which paralized me under him. he slashed and slashed but he couldnt find me as i fired away. he did the chompchomp move and nearly got me but the blind spot was huge enough that rolling to his rear while chomping kept me alive. I nearly finished him off with only a little gauge left, and then he left. Mother goose abandoned her poor gooseling :(
problem there was that mother goose kept on coming back and dint run around. also it was trying to kill you an that is something mother goose should not do.