ive been playin a while now buttt how come alot of time ill blast someone with a shotgun like five times and they wont die? sometimes i go around corner and one blast will kill me... it there a certain place to aim?
PSN I.D - Crimson_milk
Lost Planet 1 ONLY!!! maybe 3... PLEASE HELP MY BAND PLAY WARPED TOUR DALLAS! http://www.battleofthebands.com/u/TheHorrorCosmic
at first when you play with the shotgun it is a little weird because its different on this game. but you will get used to it and then it will be easy to get people. also because the maps are so open and its in a far third person view you are actually pretty far away from the person when it appears that you are close. in most of the maps the shotgun isnt very useful but its nice because it has a large blast radius and can knock people over.
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yeah ive gotten pretty good at shooting and rolling at the same time its just somtimes i can be right behind someone filling them with bullets and they will just turn and shoot me once and i die.. but thanks man
PSN I.D - Crimson_milk
Lost Planet 1 ONLY!!! maybe 3... PLEASE HELP MY BAND PLAY WARPED TOUR DALLAS! http://www.battleofthebands.com/u/TheHorrorCosmic
sometimes its our old enemy called LAG but the shotgun doesn't have any range so stand to far and you wont even tickle him.
yeah ive gotten pretty good at shooting and rolling at the same time its just somtimes i can be right behind someone filling them with bullets and they will just turn and shoot me once and i die..
but thanks man
same thing happens to me more often than i'd like. i'll be chasing someone, just unloading, then they turn and crouch and kill me with a three round burst