I may not be an elite player or gamer overall, but i would like to establish a clan that has a good reputation of being the best of the best, and simply doing what's best, and that's getting the job done right. However i'm not recruiting members, just to have members. I'm recruiting members who are specialized in sniping, flanking, and simply stopping the enemy where they are. I also believe in choosing the right individuals that know how to compromise, and have a good understanding of what there duty is, and try not to comence a debate, with the clan members, claln leader, or the opposite or opposing team. I know it may sound picky but i'm being discreat.
Also this is not my first clan i have established. In actuality i've had two clans in the past, however they weren't successful as much as i wanted them to be. This is due to the fact that at the time i was naive, and not too keen, on how things were suppose to be done correctly. However as a rejuvenated leader, i will review and rectify my mistakes in the future.
The game type that the clan will be playing is Counter Grab. In my honest opinion i believe that counter grab is the best concept that the game developers of Lost Planet have made. Because of the intensity, tension, and chaos between the opposing teams. Due to there being only one post, that both teams must activate in a certain amount, and given time for the win.
In addition "kage no Seishin" is a direct japanese translation which means "Shadow Troopers" in english. I know the english translation sounds lame, but i think the japanese way of saying it is much better.
If you are interested and would like to join, please visit www.r3match.com sign in, or sign up as a new member, and send a clan invite to "Kage no Seishin". Then contact my Xbox Live Gamertag which is "SuperShadow3121", via voice message, or text message(No private chat invites). Also send me an email at ShadowTrooper01@hotmail.com. Lastly please specify in each message, in the positions you think you qualify in, whether if its sniping, flanking and stopping the enemies in their spawn, or simply stopping the enemies where they are.
This clan is only and primarily for, Lost Planet Extreame Condition: Colonies Edition.
I will set up a player and private match, to test your skills, and to acknowledge your qualification.
A website is tentative.
And discrmination is not allowed, and will not be tolerated.