I'm kind of a newbie at playing Lost Planet I just started playing online the other day but one of my teammates kept on telling me that I should grab a shotgun to destroy a VS that the other team was in. I couldn't find it cuz the match was already over. But I was just wondering if this is true and if so which shotgun is it. The one that you use when your on a VS or the one that you normally use (when not in a VS).
There's a lot of things you can do to VS's like.... -Get a Machine Gun, use your grapple hook to grab onto them and hold down the trigger button (make sure your ammo is fully loaded before you do this because your character backflips off the VS to reload) -Use a T-Energy missile launcher and fully charge it and shoot them -Rocket Launchers -Spam all types of Grenades -I think your friend was talking about the heavy shotgun, not the lightone that you can grapple and run at the same time. -When I own VS's i like to hold the start button and use the directional buttons on my PS3 controller to dance mwahahahah
oh and you can take off weapons off of VS's when no ones in it (just incase you didnt know) i always take them off to make sure when someone gets in it, they dont own me too badly :D
i always snipe the people down who do that, while their taking down the wepons they are very vulnerable:P
Hey thanks Javier for the tips they helped a lot and i'm getting better in online matches cuz of those tips!!!
i dont recommend the grapple if the VS is looking at u as it kicks u wen its moving, so yea, dont grapple unless ur behind it
i strongly recoment to look at this topic: http://www.capcom-unity.com/lost_planet/go/thread/view/7421/687711/Fastest_way_to_destroy_a_VS