As of 25th September 2017 all Lost Planet 2 Training Course Leaderboards have been hack by a user going by IRELAND_NUMBER1.
I warned about this when I was Moderating here back in 2010, becaue the times for the Training Missions are saved client side via the save file, the save could be edited and then the scores can be updated server side by replaying the Mission online. now someone finally found how it could be done.
It took them 7 years to do it but now the leaderboards are a joke, but the downside is the Xbox 360 and PC versions use the same method of storage so this will happen to the soon.
This games Leaderboards need a refresh like Exteme Conditions had, because as of right now th game will not be able to be completed.
As of 25th September 2017 all Lost Planet 2 Training Course Leaderboards have been hack by a user going by IRELAND_NUMBER1.
I warned about this when I was Moderating here back in 2010, becaue the times for the Training Missions are saved client side via the save file, the save could be edited and then the scores can be updated server side by replaying the Mission online. now someone finally found how it could be done.
It took them 7 years to do it but now the leaderboards are a joke, but the downside is the Xbox 360 and PC versions use the same method of storage so this will happen to the soon.
This games Leaderboards need a refresh like Exteme Conditions had, because as of right now th game will not be able to be completed.
Well isn't that some BS, all this time and saying we need resets and this happens. I hope they do something now because is this not fair, I managed to get in the top 10 some time about never tried for the Number 1 Nom thingy but damn whats the point now?
I'll make you dance for 3 days and end your sorrow Fierce Deity
Servbot # 014228
Not to put an even worse downer on this, but it seems highly unlikely Capcom are going to go back to a game released in 2010, to fix issues, even if it just leaderboards. It would be a pleasant surprise if they did, though. The day the PS3 servers are shut down I imagine won't be too far away either, leaving this game totally unfinishable, like a few other Capcom games. (Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Monster Hunter Tri, Street Fighter 4, etc.) It's always depressing when leaderboards get hacked, either way. I got quite near the top on a few games, only to give up instantly as soon as I saw hacking.
Alpha Team, REPRESENT!
The XBL leaderboards for LP2 have been hacked for years. Probably since a few weeks after launch. PC too.
Keep on rollin'
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Hackers are multiplying. Now it`s 3 of them. C`mon CAPCOM do a reset of leaderboards, like in Lost Planet: Extremme Conditions.
Dont know why capcom still keep this game alive with the servers as a company is waste of money....should be time to give this game a RIP 4 years ago colonies had a hacked leaderbord: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJO6Uamiog Same goes with lost planet 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TCo1WqCJwY Wish they punished all the cheaters the same way they did on thoose cheated on gears of war 1 with seriously achievment banned gamertag and removed from the leaderboard
Dear Capcom, Please make autoreset for leaderboard to some state, or freeze it, or something else. That hack was to keep low rarity for trophies. Don't let that guys be unpunishable.