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Switch to Forum Live View Lost Planet HD collection petition
4 years ago  ::  Sep 04, 2016 - 4:31AM #1
Posts: 323
The 10 year anniversary of the title is coming near, so I've decided to make a petition to have the trilogy remastered (Don't really want 3 but guess they can toss it in there just to complete the collection) you'll find the petition in a link provided below, please head there and sign and express your feelings if you'd like this to happen. I realize petitions are just longshots and never sure fire methods of making things happen, but maybe we can make this happen by showing our enthusiasm for wanting it.
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4 years ago  ::  Sep 04, 2016 - 6:35AM #2
Posts: 350

I'm there with you, Capcom have a lot of anniversaries to cover recently with this year being the 15th anniversary of Ace Attorney (starts with the Japanese releases on GBA), 15th anniversary of Devil May Cry (nothing really happened), 15th anniversary of Battle Network (had a few fun videos from Japan and merchandise), 15th anniversary of Onimusha (rumours that's it), 10th anniversary of Dead Rising (getting a new game and HD ports of older games) and 10th anniversary of Okami to name a few.

Lost Planet is a pretty high profile one since it's MT Framework blood brother, Dead Rising is getting some love and both did really well. I'd even tolerate Lost Planet 3 being bundled with Lost Planet 1 and 2 for completion's sake though E.X. Troopers is still another console title (obviously the mobile LP games aren't worth much and are unlikely to be remade). I mean, this is the same company which brought us Megaman Legacy Collection which is pretty picky with the games for all of the merits it has.

I'm just not sold on petitions based on what a previous producer at Capcom said: “I don’t need an online petition. I just need people to go on the community sites, e-mail some of our community guys, and say these are the kinds of games we want to see.” Source

What we need is more activity here on Capcom Unity, if not directly in the Lost Planet forums, also the Capcom Games Discussion boards and in response to Capcom staff/blogs. 


I think a good start might be starting the conversation on the two main Steam groups for Lost Planet which are pretty active despite GFWL being a pain in our collective ****.

Here is a link to both of them and note that the first one is new (like a month old or so) but has probably most active players from the second one.

Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Crew

Lost Planet Old School Team

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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4 years ago  ::  Sep 04, 2016 - 12:46PM #3
Posts: 501

I'd love a remastered collection for LP.  Especially if they include all the LPEC exclusive characters and bring back cross-play.  Perhaps Capcom could even try to convince Sony into allowing XBL-PSN cross-play.  Cool

Keep on rollin'

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4 years ago  ::  Sep 07, 2016 - 3:31PM #4
Posts: 323

Unfortunately I'm not getting much feedback on it, I've gotten 7 signatures and I've shared it everywhere it could be relevant. Shame, I guess people don't want it to happen as badly as I do.

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4 years ago  ::  Sep 07, 2016 - 5:20PM #5
Posts: 350

Sep 7, 2016 -- 3:31PM, Dementhis wrote:

Unfortunately I'm not getting much feedback on it, I've gotten 7 signatures and I've shared it everywhere it could be relevant. Shame, I guess people don't want it to happen as badly as I do.

Where is "everywhere"?

Capcom Unity is slow, not just the Lost Planet boards. Both of the Steam groups are probably the most active places for discussion and with hundreds of players between them (over a hundred of the newest group). Did you try them?

Are you aware that people generally don't jump onto petitions unless they get a big push first?

In the case of video games, having a director or major staff member or related company acknowledge the petition or interest is a key step. That's why Rival Schools, a franchise with only one localised game, two games in total which are both PS1 only and no PSN presence for America or Europe blew the heck up with (DToid, Shoryuken, EventHub) articles and a hashtag. It was thanks to Itsuno showing interest in an interview.

People want more Lost Planet and statistically, there are more of us interested in more Lost Planet than most Capcom franchises but that doesn't mean that any petition will do well. You need to find a more creative method to generate our interest including press.

(I speak from experience when I say that you need creative methods which is why my (well I didn't start it, but yeah) E.X. Troopers thread is pretty slow. I'm not competent enough to make a Lost Planet or 3DS video which highlights reasons to play it.)

Too Long, Didn't Read

You didn't try Steam's most popular groups from what I can tell and petitions need a hook beyond something that people obviously want to see to make them feel like going to the page and signing it. 

The best hook would be Kenji Oguro (director of LP1 + LP2, supervised E.X. Troopers and LP3 to some degree I believe) sharing interest in another game or a remaster/collection, but I imagine that Japanese press are more interested in asking him about Monster Hunter Stories as he is directing that game.

Even if you don't manage to get that kind of attention, having a slow build up of interest isn't a bad thing. Capcom have a lot of projects on-going at the moment and did just release a new Sengoku Basara game.

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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4 years ago  ::  Sep 07, 2016 - 5:51PM #6
Posts: 323

I'm currently having issues with my steam account, email is no longer valid and not letting me sign in so once I get that all cleared up I will head straight there and post it. Other places I have tried were reddit, and forums (I know the LP section there isn't very lively anymore.) either way, I'm really not the right person to be starting a petition, my advertising skills are pretty trash but I just figured I would give this a shot since nobody else has and we're about 4 months away from the games 10 year anniversary so now is a better time than any to try and get them to do it.

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4 years ago  ::  Sep 07, 2016 - 6:16PM #7
Posts: 350

I see. I'm sorry that you went through that much trouble and got so little feedback, I imagine those places might be even less active than here. 

I think you had the right attitude and timing even though it isn't working out, it is hardly like we can win over say some major Youtuber to talk about and play Lost Planet rather than recent games which have more active online communities. 

We have to start small like this, but petitions have the same problem as Kickstarters which don't seem to be doing well. No one bothers to join since it doesn't look like they will add much or see results. Capcom showing interest would help if you were to post the petition even following a small thing like a few figures in Japan based on LP for the 10th anniversary since it is possible that website might report on that, maybe even Capcom Unity could.

Stay pessistent if you can, whether it is using this thread, a consistent hashtag and/or the petition. Start with chatter about the Lost Planet series since that's easy to engage with but isn't just a statistic.

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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4 years ago  ::  Sep 08, 2016 - 4:42PM #8
Posts: 323

Managed to fix my Steam issue and petition is posted in both forums that you linked me to, hopefully people will be on board even though they are PC players so an HD collection wouldn't be much to them. I really want this to happen so I'm going to keep trying.

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