Considering all these remasters are seeing the light of day, some of them being awful choices (Risen 3 and DmC) figured it'd be no issue to request something such as this. A "remastered" collection of Lost Planet colonies, 2, and even though it was awful just go ahead and toss 3 in there to complete the collection for Playstation 4 and Xbox one.
I know the odds of this ever happening are 1 in a million considering Capcom hasn't even chosen to remaster Re2 and 3 and probably never will even though it'd make them money, but hey we can dream right? I think Lp is a game worthy of a remaster, it's a blast to play and is a game I've held close for years and seriously miss the days when it was alive and kicking, multiplayer was really fun.
It would definitely be nice(especially since PS never got Colonies) but I would hope that they do more than just make it look nicer. They should also fix the problems that they all have. How has Capcom treated previous remasters? Also, they should include EX Troopers. >w>
Keep on rollin'
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if real will remake i hope LP2 frist... so very good Sci-Fi games,and xbox360 playing with PC...
I think that an HD collection is more likely. I do would like for the Colonies Edition to finally come to Playstation, not to mention that perhaps this would give Capcom the excuse they need to fix the multiplayer of LP3.