Why haven't we heard any feedback from Capcom in terms of whether or not they're going to make some sort of changes to the way the leaderboards are handled? Especially if it's well-known people have cheated and glitched in order to get their number 1 spot? This came from the GameFAQs forums:
"And for everyone else's benefit on how to the Nom was obtained (since I'm the one who told DJW about two months ago):
A friend of mine found out the glitch by accident. It turns out that while he was playing a training stage with bots, he was using the Dummy Grenade III to shoot some of the bots for him. As he released one, it killed him and he failed the stage. However, the dummy grenade ended up killing the remaining bots and his failure became success.
It turns out that if you play a training level with bots, if you kill yourself but your grenades somehow kill off the remaining bots needed, you will succeed and the time of your death will be the one that is recorded. This is how people are having times before all the bots spawn-- they are killing themselves then having their grenades finish the remaining bots needed.
There is a bit of luck and practice involved since you have to come up with a strategy on where to place the grenade, how many to kill before you kill yourself, and you have to hope that your dummy kills the remaining needed after you die which can be difficult and time consuming. Last month, I saw many times on the leaderboards suggesting now many people are doing this, so I don't know how feasible this method is anymore, but people reading this are welcome to try.
I hear that people use balloon grenades on 1-2 Advanced and Dummy Grenade III on 5-2 Advanced. If anyone here tries, good luck." (rest of the post can be found here: www.gamefaqs.com/boards/958322-lost-plan...)
By not updating the leaderboards regularly, Capcom is condoning the attitude that the only people who're gonna get the much-coveted "NUMBER 1" noms and 1000G/Platinum are the people who can figure out how to cheat better than the guy before them. I understand that it's an online game, and there's always gonna be people exploiting glitches or cheating, but to let it get to the point that there's little to no chance to get an achievement without doing so isn't good for the game's community.