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Switch to Forum Live View Looking for players on PS3.
5 years ago  ::  Oct 03, 2015 - 5:05PM #1
Posts: 501
I just got around to finishing this game and I would like to play co-op and vs. with people.  Just message and add me if interested.  I don't get on PSN often though so I might reply late, though I come to check this forum pretty often.
PSN:  Unholy_Kargath
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4 years ago  ::  Oct 27, 2015 - 3:11PM #2
Posts: 350

I'm bound to send you a PM when I'm ready, but I do have a PS3 copy coming through shipping to add onto my 3DS ones (if only the limited edition had all the keychains I'd consider it), I never paid much for the game but it must be one of the very few games I bought so multiple times without including Steam or importing alternative versions.

Hope some people who happen to have the game spot this thread, I have a mate who has the game on 3DS but can't find the time to team up with him. Online being universal in other Capcom 3DS games aside from this and MH3U is a godsend. Terrible luck for E.X. Troopers to not have it on 3DS.

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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4 years ago  ::  Oct 31, 2015 - 1:42AM #3
Posts: 501

Awesome!  I didn't realize there was a limited edition.  Hope to see you on EX Troopers soon :)

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4 years ago  ::  Nov 14, 2015 - 5:51PM #4
Posts: 350

My PS3 copy arrived not too long ago, but I'm actually a little burned out on the game since I played through the campaign completely on the 3DS only a week ago. So I'll be sure to PM you with the answers you asked for before as well as details so we can pair up for some E.X. Missions or whatever. 


The e-Capcom Limited Edition is fairly simple including a figure of TeeKee and 2 random keychains out of the five main characters:

It really bugs me when Capcom or any other publisher do this since I can't get all of the keychains without digging around, but they usually do really good limited editions. Here is an image showing all of the stuff:

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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4 years ago  ::  Nov 16, 2015 - 12:16PM #5
Posts: 501

Lol don't sweat it I can wait.  :)

That's a pretty lame stunt for the limited edition.  Chris's expression is great.  XD  I would've preferred if they had a Gingira figure instead.  LP1 and 2's limited editions were pretty cool.  Never owned them though.  Would've gotten LP2's if it wasn't exclusive to Australia.

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4 years ago  ::  Nov 22, 2015 - 8:28AM #6
Posts: 350

I printed out my own AR cards (detailed in this comment) for the E.X. Troopers cast onto photo cards, so I consider that to be the true Limited Edition goodie, though a free download/print from Capcom's website. It includes the main five characters as well as Gingira while letting me pick through multiple animations. Gingira in particular can do his melee attack animations while the correct voice clips play through the Circle Pad in four directions as an input (not Thermal Cannon unfortunately).

Every character but Bren (four taunts) only has two taunts (even if the character has unique animations seen in the game or interesting shared ones), so what they did is give their uppercut animation, their original taunt, their salute taunt and another standing animation. Bren has all of his taunts accounted for though, wish I could touch the screen to go through more animations or alternatively press some buttons (a model viewer is present in both versions but not with animations). Shame that it is only a 3DS feature so this is the best I can detail it. 

(I only have a few games with AR functionality, I wish E.X. Troopers was more ambitious since Bravely Default from 2011 has a crumbling world and a Gundam SRPG has photos and multiple cards used at a time as an option.)

Anyway, a steelbook, artbook, OST and stuff for LP1's LE? Not bad, maybe I'll look into that since Capcom/UDON didn't bother bringing over the artbooks for Lost Planet 1, Lost Planet 2, E.X. Troopers or Lost Planet 3. LP2's LE looks great, both the Aussie one (999 dollars on eBay - damn resellers) and Japanese one (where you could buy figures cheaply separately).

It happens to be the third anniversary of E.X. Troopers releasing and a bunch of stuff happened, though none of it has the word "localisation". The OST popped up out of nowhere along with a remix EP and the character artist popped up on Twitter. I detail a little bit more on the E.X. Troopers thread in my signature if you feel like checking it out, I just don't want to derail this thread which is still more about finding more PS3 players. 

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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