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Switch to Forum Live View Once again, the localisation subject
6 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2014 - 6:39PM #1
Posts: 15
Even if no one reads this thread, I'll say it: please, Capcom, bring E.X Troopers to the West. I don't care if the voices stay in japanese (I'd actually preffer it), but I would really enjoy playing it in an american 3DS.
What can we do to see it happen? How can we show you our support?
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6 years ago  ::  Jan 31, 2014 - 12:06AM #2
Posts: 4,549

I agree honestly I would love to see EX Troopers come to the West, I enjoyed it some much on my PS3. But I think due to poor sales in the East we may never see it outside of imports.

I mean honestly One Piece Pirate Warriors was going to be the same. But it came out over here. The edited the comic like areas with English text but the voices were all Japanese still. If they could do that to EX Troopers it would be great because the main issues is all the art/text bubbles are images and not text. But it would be a lot of work. which is sad :(

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5 years ago  ::  Jul 27, 2015 - 9:11PM #3
Posts: 350

Contrary to that popular statement, it isn't actually that hard for Capcom to do a translation of E.X. Troopers:

Summarising the blog, the only challenging elements to get up to a "retail standard" would be the cutscenes as all of the assets are prerendered meaning that Capcom would have to be holding onto the original movie files without subtitles to place English (or other) text in them or alternatively drop subtitles at the bottom of those cutscenes.

Another example of translating sound effects but maintaining voice options is SEGA's Valkyria Chroniceles which also had English voice options. It isn't too out there but it is a different idea. Anyway, no offense meant towards Svenson but not all of their business responses stand up in court so to speak. >_>

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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5 years ago  ::  Jul 30, 2015 - 9:44AM #4
Posts: 4,549

Jul 27, 2015 -- 9:11PM, Gogeta wrote:

Contrary to that popular statement, it isn't actually that hard for Capcom to do a translation of E.X. Troopers:

Summarising the blog, the only challenging elements to get up to a "retail standard" would be the cutscenes as all of the assets are prerendered meaning that Capcom would have to be holding onto the original movie files without subtitles to place English (or other) text in them or alternatively drop subtitles at the bottom of those cutscenes.

Another example of translating sound effects but maintaining voice options is SEGA's Valkyria Chroniceles which also had English voice options. It isn't too out there but it is a different idea. Anyway, no offense meant towards Svenson but not all of their business responses stand up in court so to speak. >_>

It is due to those cut scenes though that make it not possible to do so. The would have to be remade from scratch to add in english lay overs for text and sub titles. That alone would be the pricey part to this. The Character Text and bubbles are simple I agree. But when most of the game is done on menus are hard backgrounds it would cost to much.

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5 years ago  ::  Sep 29, 2015 - 9:15PM #5
Posts: 350

Hardcoded cutscenes aren't the type of thing which makes a localisation impossible but it means that for a professional quality replacement replacing all of the text, Capcom will need the original resources which I think is fairly possible given that it is an in house project, not an external work done by a team which has closed down like Last Ranker (published by Capcom, Imageepoch developed it but closed down this year).

All of that said, I would personally be happy with soft subtitles overlayed onto the cutscenes and I think a lot of others may be happy with that as long as they can experience the cutscene without those subtitles for a clear picture.

This isn't even close to a case of a game where the text is all done on hard backgrounds, Kenka Bancho 6 is an obvious example of that but even at a moment's notice you can see how the text loads into the bubbles much like anything you would see in Ace Attorney or Okami. The former would need a lot more work to edit unnecessary references to the Japanese release and to fit the narrative of the AA games in the west, whether it is dialogue (easy to type into the system, probably hard to write), images or full 3D assets which need adjustments.

Find the forgotten Capcom forums!

Absolutely crazy about Monster Hunter Stories.
Recently got Chaos Legion, Dino Crisis & Rival Schools 1 + 2.

Now Playing: VJ: Double Trouble (Adults), Bionic Commando (1992)
Capped and Completed: Gaist Crusher God and E.X. Troopers.

Current Caption: "Oui, the bread is stale, and also the pornography."

"Therefore, Bionic Commando wins video games." - Greg "GregaMan" Moore

E.X. Troopers is a lost Lost Planet spinoff! Help the west discover exhilarating manga-esque action through Capcom Unity!

Read how E.X. Troopers can be localised!
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