Nice :-D...does it have competitive MP?
Nice :-D...does it have competitive MP?
yes a 3v3 system but I have not tried it yet
I heard the multiplayer is only onloine for Ps3 though, which is a bit of a shame because I'll get the 3ds version if it comes to the U.S.
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
So BTHR Zero - you played it. Is it good ? Is it Lost Planet ? Or just some familiar VSs, characters, Akrids and weapons ?
So BTHR Zero - you played it. Is it good ? Is it Lost Planet ? Or just some familiar VSs, characters, Akrids and weapons ?
Its fun thats for sure, Gameplay style it is a Mix of LP and Monster Hunter.
Its a new cast, and story Some Akrid and VS's return but there are a few new ones. You can't Jump and all Grapple points are fixed. But its a fun little game.
Though I will say unless you go for everything the first playthrough can be rather short. As for weapons they are all new weapons. As each weapon has an element.
Fire > Shock > Ice > Fire
The VS Sections are fixed so you can't just hope in and out as you please. But the VS you get to use Gingira is a fun VS to mess around in.
Co-op is done via VR Missions which you unlock as you progress though the story, and it is 3 player Co-op. The Missions can be short but the more players you have the stronger they become.
I still haven't played MP yet though.
I have to agree with some of those comments, it seems like capcom is trying to dig its own grave sometimes. I mean the game looks great, why not relase it here. I know it would take time to change the text but i would be willing to wait.
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
Its not text though =( , All the "Text Bubbles" are Animated Art So it would mean having to re-draw them all. Which would take a very long time to do, I mean EX Troopers was in Dev around the time of release or just before of the 3DS