kinda want to import this :v
Does Capcom have plans to release this stateside?
Thank you for your time and understanding, yours respectfully, JTDetective PS
Watashi wa sukoshi nihongo o hanashimasu e yo hablo espanol. Dehame ganar para usted!
Allll Riiiight!
Dead Rising/ TiR USA Regional Champion/ Ijiek MotoCup Grand Champion
Part of Fortune City Meeting and Travel Professionals
I would love to see this stateside -- more than LP3, that's for sure. Please, Capcom, let's see some love for your fans and bring this stateside (physical release would be sublime)!
I just downloaded the E.X. Troopers PS3 demo and finished the single player part. And all I can say is wow. Even though the demo was really short I enjoyed it a lot. I would love if CAPCOM brought this over. After playing it I would so get this over LP3 any day. E.X. Troopers > LP3
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Does Capcom have plans to release this stateside?
www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/lost-planet... Nope. They don't want to because it is a spinoff game. As much as I was mad about them using MML3 assets, I played the demo (3DS) and loved it. Then I look to see if it is coming to the US and it isn't. It seems like Capcom just likes pissing their fans off. Luckily, I have a JPN 3DS. I do hope they add it to the E-shop. Importing is too expensive. Atleast If I download it, I save about $20-$30 on shipping.
Been playing the demo the last few weeks. It is a very different take on the lost planet series as a whole but wow is it fun. such its a little loose in the controls but overall its a fun game.
Very tempted to grab a pre-order on the Asia region as it's only $50 on play asia. Do you guys think I should go for it, or is there any hope it'll come to the west?
Very tempted to grab a pre-order on the Asia region as it's only $50 on play asia. Do you guys think I should go for it, or is there any hope it'll come to the west?
That is actually what I did, mine should be here within the week