I am not one to do these kinds of threads but my hope for a Lost Planet Game is still strong and I get Excited about new things I still find. So here it is, let me know your thoughts. Broken Horizon (Working Code Name) Two centuries after they were abandoned on the planet of Eden, a group of colonists continue to fight for survival. Team up in 4 player co-op Mech Suit gameplay and battle the planet's hostile enviroments, human raiders and ever increasing alien threat to control the planet's life-force, T-Eng. An Action Shooter with Unique Mech Customization -Upgrade your mech and make it your own by using scrap from defeated enemies and organic parts from defeated alien monsters. Four Mech Pilots Always Working Together -Tackle every mission with all four pilots and do everything in your power to protect your outpost from greedy raiders and power-hungry alien creatues. You can invite up to three friends to join the action at any time. Fast-Paced Mech combat -Pilot your own powerful and agile mech into battle with enormous alien monsters. You must leave your suit to repair and upgrade it, but you become more vulnerable to every threat. Collect T-Eng to power your suit weapons or risk your suit being temporarily disabled. Giant Monsters and Human Raiders -Protect your outpost from human raiders and the indigenous monster threat. Defeat massive alien bosses and loot their massive stores of T-Eng.
Nice to see people are still here ^_^ As soon as I saw Broken Horizon description I said "Yup thats Lost Planet". Could be a Reboot of sorts, with more focus on the Vs's. Like Mech Monster Hunter. Looking forward to it, it can't be worst than LP3
It mentions Eden (E.D.N.) and T-eng, (Thermal Energy) so I assume so. This is definitely Lost Planet related, if it's Resident Evil 7 in how it handles connections or not, will be another course all on it's own. I very much believe it is Lost Planet related, though.
Alpha Team, REPRESENT!
Looks like a bigger emphasis on VSs. I hope it doesn't overshadow on-foot combat.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
Is this a confirmed game or what? If so I'm ****in hyped man. Where'd you get the info from?
Is this a confirmed game or what? If so I'm ****in hyped man. Where'd you get the info from?
GBATemp posted the leak. Not yet confirmed. We'll have to wait for E3 maybe.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
Is this a confirmed game or what? If so I'm ****in hyped man. Where'd you get the info from?
GBATemp posted the leak. Not yet confirmed. We'll have to wait for E3 maybe.
Correct, GBATemp got hold of some info, and you guys know me I was always quick to tell you when something was not right with info. So this is a first for me not knowing much.
*rises from snow and ashes* Oh snap!
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
*rises from snow and ashes*
Oh snap!
pfft look at this noob :p
*rises from snow and ashes*
Oh snap!
wow... :)