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Lost Planet
Lost Planet 3 General Discussion NEED HELP PLEASE: UTTERLY DESPERATE WITH...
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4 years ago  ::  Nov 19, 2015 - 3:29AM #1
Jose Manuel
Posts: 2
Good morning, people. I am new in the forum and I want to introduce myself: Spanish Capcom player from the times of arcade machines back in the 80s and, as I say in the thread title, I'M UTTERLY DESPERATE.

I need one audio log to complete COLLECTOR ACHIEVEMENT in Xbox 360 version of the game.

It corresponds to the penultimate audio of the third file / row. I have re-checked twice several video tutorials going back to the places shown and I found nothing.

The same with some websites describing the audio log and it doesn't correspond (initially they say it is the audio of Diaz in the cavern or the wrecked mech) but I found both.

As a clue, I can say that the audio log is that between Katsuragi's 12.06.2511 at 11:09:08 and Isenberg's (Peyton file) 22.01.2558 at 08:25:45.

Where the hell is that damned log? please!

On the other hand, I don't know if there is an achievement granted for upgrading all the weapons to the maximum. I did that with all custom weapons as well as with the experimental Halberd, but not with the Pulse Rifle. I found the first one where you fight the Hiven for the first time. Then I go back to the Security Facility (or was it the Power Plant?) and picked it for the second, third and fourth times and it didn't upgrade, unlike what it happeed with the Halberd in which the scope went green and I had that weapon feature then.

Thanks for your patience and I would be very thankful to all of you who help me.

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4 years ago  ::  Nov 22, 2015 - 2:47PM #2
Jose Manuel
Posts: 2

No one can help me?Cry

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4 years ago  ::  Nov 26, 2015 - 1:52AM #3
Posts: 350

I wish I could help but I haven't even started my PS3 copy of Lost Planet 3.

However, I do have a link to a site I trust to list all of the achievements:

I'm not a fan of trophies (and by extension achievements) since they seem like hollow attempts to hold my attention in games, rather than actual rewards (the joy of a challlenge, costumes, weapons, dialogue, endings). However, I think it is a good idea to look them all up, or all of the unlockables for other games up before going on a hunt.

If you've finished a game once, it is probably fair game to check what more you can get out of the experience in text form so there is still a bit of a surprise. 

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