Hy everyone,
I'm stuck! The third Vorgg appearance was quite fun, as he was disguised, but he doesn't die! I Started the battle scanning him, since I've just got the scan on my pistol, then I did the basics, broke his arms and the spikes on his back. However, after a couple hours shooting his back the ice still doesn't break! I've noticed several replies over the forum with the same subject, but none had an answer about what to do or why it's happened. I feel worried, because it happened in different vorgg appearances, so I'm guessing that even after solving this one, I might see it troubling me again. So please, try on giving me a permanent solution to it! I can't wait to move forward, this game is trully fun and amazing! I hope you could help me!
This is just an idea, but are you sure you have destroyed all the spikes on the shell of the VORGG? I recall a couple fo times where the problem seemed to eb that I missed some spikes on some hard to hit places, thus the fight didn't move into the next stage until I broke the remaining spikes. For future encounters, I recommend using the Pulse Rifle, which you can obtain a bit afterwards, which works wonders on these L-CAT Akryd. However, this might not even be necessary since I think that pretty much on every future encounter with a VORGG you have your Utility Rig around, which makes these fights extremely easy and quick, assuming you know what to do.
Thank you bro, but actually I dropped grenades on his back and still, it doesn't brake. I took a good look on it, and there are some unbreakable spikes, such as those in the front of the shell. In addiction, to make sure I really destroyed them, I spend all my shotgun ammo, cuz the blasts do destroy it. The thing is, this is my third encounter with the Vorgg, and in the first two, at the top of the mountain, I had no difficult on killing them. But still, I'll keep trying! Thanks a lot for your help and I hope that even after hours trying, you are right and it's just some missing spike.