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Lost Planet 3 General Discussion Since LP never took off, why didn't LP3 hit...
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Switch to Forum Live View Since LP never took off, why didn't LP3 hit more commercial success?
6 years ago  ::  Jul 11, 2014 - 7:37AM #1
Posts: 51
I'm not so sure how correct the numbers are, but the Lost Planet series is I think sitting underneath 10 million sold total.
I'm pretty surprised, particularly in relation to the first Lost Planet. I thought that game was a huge success, but perhaps not?

Regardless; what, exactly, alienated consumers with LP1? I remember there being large comments on the stiffness of the 1-player, but it was never something that I, myself, noticed, and nothing that anyone who played LP1 with me noticed neither. Either way; very small complaint, so I'm sure I'm missing something.

LP2 is interesting. It has it's niche group of those who really love it, and then a (slightly) larger group who recognize it as an excellent co-op experience. I'm sure there is some percentage of gamers who enjoyed the 1P also---
But LP2 I understand in its failure. It was not a game designed to be played in 1P, and for it became a Connection-Required type-of game, which was just not an attractive title at the time. Furthermore the co-op focus and elevated punishment is extremely frustrating for running a smaller game of 2, and the game absolutely needed all sorts of player-handled management before taking on games and what-not.
Furthermore, and this gets neglected more than it should--- LP2 took away the snow, and a big part of what made LP1 so unique and beloved was the environment, and how realistically your character moved and struggled with it. The winter condition was, and still is, my favorite part of LP, and I'm sure this is shared by many.

But LP3--- I just don't get it. Let's recap this:
1) Less than 10 Million sold, so we know that the actual amount of players who've experience LP is small, and therefore have only internet/word-of-mouth opinions regarding the games as co-op oriented, or rigid.
2) LP1 was a good single-player game but that had better multiplayer.
3) LP2 was a poor single-player game but an excellent multiplayer.

So here is LP3, a downright excellent single-player game that has okay multiplayer--- but not only that, it also has a grounded, matured sci-fi tale, modern usage of TPS controls, and the restoration of believable winter conditions.

So my question to you all, is:
Why did LP3 fail for those who haven't played a Lost Planet before? What I'm wondering is why LP3, which finally waved its hand and said, 'Fine! We'll give them (the consumers who haven't bit) what they want!'still failed to reach the wider audience.

-Is sci-fi a dying interest in videogames? Certainly news to me (and not good news!)
-Can being associated with Lost Planet have something to do with it? Even though many more people than not haven't even played a Lost Planet?
-Folks who've been with the series were jaded by the lack of co-op, but the co-op never brought in the audience needed. Do you really believe that if Lp3 continued the co-op gameplay it would have brought in more of an audience while not alienating its already established one?

Personally, LP3 is my favorite. I am not a 'purist' at all with games, and so with LP3 I see 1) A very streamlined, fluent gameplay system; 2) Enjoyable writing that grips and progresses with excellent pacing; and 3) While the co-op dimissal is a big step, I can't say it's something I mind particularly because I only had limited fun with it. I did think it was special--- but it never brought me back once the feeling wore off. I think the passive sentiment regarding the co-op is more shared than voiced, but regardless; I am not jaded by the new direction of LP3, and welcomed it.
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6 years ago  ::  Jul 13, 2014 - 4:00PM #2
Posts: 757

Jul 11, 2014 -- 7:37AM, K.M.P wrote:

Why did LP3 fail for those who haven't played a Lost Planet before?

I`m not the one who haven`t played LP before, just like 99% of people here.  So aren`t you, if i understand correct your post. 

I can`t agree with your opinion in very many points.

5.6 million copies sold of LP is not much ? Create a game and try to sell 10 % of this :) . 

LP1/LPC was unique SF shoter. Totally different from other shoters on the market and this was its strength. LP2 was following this direction but there were many bad design decisions and lack of support right after launch. Anyway it sold pretty well. So this 5.6 millions is equal score of LP1/LPC & LP2. 

LP3 is not a good game. I believe you like it. But you are minority - very, very small fraction of the market. They delivered 300 000 copies on the market. So even less were sold. I guess this is the worst score in CAPCOM history. 

There is many average TPS games on the market that didn`t succed, f.e.  Spec Ops The Line, Binary Domain. Spec Ops is much better than LP3 and it also didn`t succed. Even excelent Vanquish wasn`t great commercial succes, while its 100 times better than LP3.

LP is recognizable trade mark. People know it. And there comes Spark Unlimited and changes everything except snow.... Would you like Gears of War if EPIC changes it in COD ? Would you like Tomb Raider if CD changes it in GTA ? What is good is good and there is no need to change it for better. LP has its own style and its the one and only for many ppl. LP2 has changed it pretty much and ppl were complaining about it. Then comes LP3 and changes it so much that the only thing left from LP is snow and the title.

And please don`t write about great story cause ppl don`t buy games for a good story. Gameplay is the most important thing in games. Ppl buy books for a good story, not games. LP3 is a very, very bad game full of inconsistency, bugs, glitches and @#$%.

It has earned 100 % its fail. I hope  CAPCOM has learned the lesson - don`t change what is good. 





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