I'm utterly disappointed by the content of this game. No coop? Developers, What the **** were you thinking!? Oh you were too busy RIPPING OFF dead space! I'm done with Capcom, I'll never buy another of your games. Your company is sinking anyway...you smothered your own successful franchises to death.
LOL really? this game was always shown as a Solo game from the moment it was announced. Could you not read anything that was shown on the internet? As for ripping of Dead Space, that is laughable considering when Dead Space 3 was first shown everyone though it was Lost Planet 3. The game went back to the roots of what the original Lost Planet would be. So it goes to show you know nothing of the series and can not read things that have been around for over a year.
I'll make you dance for 3 days and end your sorrow Fierce Deity
Servbot # 014228
Is Capcom sinking ? The report for march 31 2014 says something else. Lost planet 3 wasnt a succes.But rest of the company`s titles sold good
Lost planet 3 wasnt a succes.
Oh the irony: First people bought the trainwreck that Lost Planet 2 was, just because the first one was quite good for a generation launch title. Then after Lost Planet 2 destroyed the franchise nobody bought the third one, even though it was a lot better than the other two combined. Goes with a lot of Capcom franchises. People bought RE6 because they liked RE5. Same people won't buy RE7 even if it's stellar, because they hated RE6.
First people bought the trainwreck that Lost Planet 2 was, just because the first one was quite good for a generation launch title.
Then after Lost Planet 2 destroyed the franchise nobody bought the third one, even though it was a lot better than the other two combined.
The first one was a masterpiece. The second wasn`t that good, but compared to the third it shines like a diamond. If you`ll check sales numbers you see how wrong you are. LP2 sold same numbers LP1/LPC did. LP3 is a disaster, and its not LP2 fault. This is just a very bad game.
First lost planet is a epic game,colonies was a good game but really should have been map packs and game type add on for the first one. Lost planet 2 had a great co op and fun multiplayer until cheaters ruined it. Lost planet 3 had a very fun story based campaign with some new features i really liked it .Multiplayer wasnt great and the 1000G was way to easy to get. One thing you can say about all lost planet is the lack of support them by patches,deleting leaderboards etc etc here capcom failed to support the lp games
I do agree that LP3 is an understandable attempt at reviving the roots of what the original Lost planet was, I feel that it lacked the innovation and basically the FREEDOM you had in the other lost planets. A lot of dedicated fans feel the LP2 was worse than the first, but it introduced an awesome multiplayer AND Co-Op campaign. The fact that LP3 just feels like any other generic shooter really ruins the fun which is, the arcade-type games LP:EC and LP2 are. -_N3x and his opinions
No coop? Developers, What the **** were you thinking!? Oh you were too busy RIPPING OFF dead space!
The most ironic part of this comment is that Dead Space 3 flopped due to trying to push co-op and turning the franchise from terror into action shooter. By the way, I did liked the Dead Space 1 & 2.
After trying LP3 for a while now, I must say I have found the game quite enjoyable, at least as far as the single player campaign is involved (have yet to try the multiplayer, but have heard terrible things about it).
Sure, my PSN if is Hakumen__
I have been trying the multiplayer for a few days now as well, and despite some issues, I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Still, the system remains rather unbalanced for new players given all the upgrades the level 90+ players already have, including stuff like proximity mines and automated turrets.
I do like playing with Vital Suits and my best matches by far were those where I could pilot one.