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Lost Planet

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Switch to Forum Live View Lost Planet 4 - General Discussion
6 years ago  ::  May 11, 2014 - 8:28AM #1
Posts: 3

First of to say to everyone in the Lp community. Capcom needs to start basing there games off the fans ideas, threads, post, and then make up something that makes everyone happy. This is one of the reasons Bioware is so successfull. Lost Planet 1 was an amazing game, the followed lost planet 2 which broke alot of ways the game can be played, coop - kicken butt with your friends, new insites on what lost planet stood for, the story itself was epic compared to LP1 or 3. I know that yea lost planet 1 and 3 are more around its roots of how it first came into play. But that is how games and the company succed in making amazing games and building more into the LP community by adding better storys, coop mode, multiplayer. Lost planet 4 was pretty awesome to but minus coop and story the game seemed to be the same as LP1 which wasn't as epic but close to it. If they make a Lp4 they need to think of a bigger picture. More story, coop mode, multiplayer, lots of DLC, (possible trilogy) same story line, same characters. I am talking about what happen after you saved all these planets? I am tired of oh its cold, killed some akrid saved the planet LOL! I would love to see Saved the planet, kill off remaining akird, fight the last boss. Read the story of what happen after. Epic endings. Lost planet 1 made me fall inlove with these games, lost planet 2 took me to a whole new level of loving it and then lost planet 3 well set me back abit cause wasnt very well thought out when made. Capcom and Bioware are one of the 2 best gaming franchises out there next to activision. Just hope they can bring more to the fans like the others do. 

 Lost planet 4 needs an amazing story line like Lp2 had. Longer levels, more bosses, more akrid. (Even some new ones we have never seen) green eye, snow akird, fire akrid something. New ways to customize your characters and machines, New machines, (keep the LP3 currency using thermal energy to buy stuff) that was an awesome idea!
 Allow us to scan and find thermal deposits in the ground and place a thermal obelisk to earn cash.
Bring some new advanced weapons, like satellite targeted weapons for bosses. Expand the ideas of how weapons are fired, what kinda ammo to use and how to find them in the game. Just some ideas that could really bring out the mood the game sets. Cause I tell you what that first day Lp2 came out and me and some friends where fighting through the game it really had us hooked, felt like we where really there. And then the last boss and the space station crashing down man talk about epicness. lol Cant even tell ya how awesome that was. But apart from that capcom needs to do something new to get the LP community bigger, bring more people over to knowing about the game cause multiplayer and even coop matchmaking is usually dead after 2 months of a game being released. Which means that they arnt taking interest into there games by making more dlc, advertising, etc.. Reminds me of too human alittle cause on Lp3 multiplayer theres usually the same 7 people on hosting rooms LOL

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