I was looking so forward to playing through the campaign again with people. Leveling up fighting bosses and beating the game on extreme difficulties.
*Since there is now no co-op mode. I am extremely dissapointed in Capcom for the fact that there arn't many amazing co-op games out there. And lost planet had it perfected and then turns around and goes back to another fail game like the first one was. So that said I will no be getting the new one. Maybe when 4 comes out I might get that one then. If not oh well they will be the one to loss a fan.
Sorry guy's for the rant. Just am so mad that they already ruined this game in development. Waited a whole year for nothing :/ Ugh!
That's you opinion: I liked the original LP desite the lack of Co-op. In fact, the recent Co-ops games from Capcom, such as RE6, have turned out bad, while single player games, like RE: Revelations, turned out to be much better. That being said, I do agree that if Capcom released a game called LP3, it should have probably followed the trend of LP2. This game shouldn't have been called LP3, but LP0 or LP: Origins, indicating a closer relation with the first game, including the gameplay and lack of Co-op.
There just should have been a mode. They have something similar ro it but it turns into a 3on3.
There's always Monster Hunter the co-op is great in that!
MH:HR 20 MHP/MHF:HR 2 MHP2/MHF2:HR9 MHFU:HR9 MHF:HR6xx+ MHP3:HR6 MHTri:HR don't remember. MH3U:HR NA
I would like co-op, but Honestly it's nice that lost planet 3 is back to the single player roots of 1.
I would like co-op, but Honestly it's nice that lost planet 3 is back to the single player roots of 1.
I agree, but I also understand why the title LP3 would mislead people into thinking that it would be similar to LP2. This game should have just been called LP0 so people would be more likely to relate it to the original LP.